Rectificar es de sabios. Soy una genio, no un sabio. Pero aún así espero saber rectificar. Si no, dejaría de ser una genio.para ser una idiota.
"Weve only got each other to blame" Yesterday I noticed, or maybe somebody helped me to notice that I've never said you any "Sorry". And it is not ok... You knew the soul of my last excuses, but I think... or somebody helped me to think that you deserve to have it. Sorry. You know it it's so hard to me. My ego don't let me. But I've tryed... Maybe it's not the way you wanted, but it's the one way I could passed that time. I'm bored abaut lonely nights, and it won't be different after that, and I don't wish it too, we have carry that sittuation until the limit. We can take more rope. It's just the end of all our ends and beguinings. Sure you think you've waisted your time, but remember, we always loved to do it. I don't wanna end like... like everybody ends. It might be for my stupid obssesion to be different, even my obssesion gets to the limit. Oh shit... I'm... sorry, at least, I've tryed, no? I.
Cap. 11
Jack Taylor lanzaba miradas furtivas a Jamie entre su melena despeinada,
miradas que Jam devolvía acompañadas de una sonrisilla travies. En unas
cuantas, J...
Cap. 24.
"La perdí de vista... a principios del verano"
- Irina, baja a Ariel, anda, bella.
La quinta de mis volteretas sobre la arena de mañana se interrumpió.
- ...
Capítulo 32.
*Robert *y yo habíamos salido a dar un paseo. No quería encontrarme con
*Megan*, pero tuvimos que volver al hotel a coger dinero, que se nos había
Nuuevo blog =)
Nada, que me ha dado por volver a empezar con todo, de cero.
Y que mejor manera que haciendome otro blog!
La primera entreda es un poco (mucho) cuersileria, ...
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